the legacy

riley katherine lawson harris

Riley Harris Even as a toddler, Riley was beautiful; with her father's brown hair and mother's blue eyes I'd hoped she would grow to be a beauty. Indeed, she grew up to be a stunning woman, who married the family maid, handsome Remington Harris. After her father died, Riley became somewhat of the House Mistress. Her mother was often at work, being a renowned Theorist, and Remington worked odd hours at his cooking jobs. It suited her just fine, especially after she became pregnant. Remi and Riley were overjoyed at the birth of their daughter, Gwyn. Life seemed idyllic; the only discontent was Remington's frequent squabbles with his mother-in-law, who had never taken to him.

Family-oriented Remington and stay-at-home Riley were eager to expand their family, and Riley became pregnant again when Gwyn was but a toddler. Sadly, tragedy struck the happy family, and Riley died - too quickly for me to intervene with any begging - being scared to death by a hapless ancestor's ghost and taking her unborn child with her. It was the only real tragedy to strike the legacy family.


Riley Katherine Lawson was the daughter of Mitch Johnathon Lawson and Anne Marie Christina Day. Her maternal grandparents were Jessie Malcolm Day and Reese Junie Lillard.

Her only sibling was brother, Rory Scott Lawson.

Riley was the wife of Remington Charles Harris and had one child, a daughter, Gwyn Nicole Harris. A second child perished in the womb when Riley died of fright during the pregnancy.

She was the grandmother of Adia Riley Lam, Brendan Paul Lam, and Riana Claire Lam, by her daughter, Gwyn, and son-in-law, Jay Henry Lam.

the collen legacy

Elizabeth Abigail Collen Lillard
